Continuing our honeymoon...


We've decided to extend our honeymoon. You see, after we got married we had about 2 days to enjoy a honeymoon and then I was back in school. Now I'm graduated...and we've tacked on another 3 Disneyworld!

One of my fellow Upper Cervical friends helped us out by introducing us to one of his local friends who performs at Disney. He scored us 2 park hopper day passes! After watching him perform acrobatics in the Lion King show he got us backstage for a photo-op with the cast.

Good times!



March 26th, 2010 is a day I'll never forget. It's the day my wife breathed a sigh of relief knowing that soon enough she would never have to work again. ;)

Thank you to everyone who has supported me through the years to achieve this great victory. I love you all.