De-Merr-lition Derby

So we were a little late on posting this one, but it just had to be done. This was Merrit's first demolition derby. As a highly trained dental office management guru she needed to see that it is possible for the northern outskirts of Nashville, TN to exist and operate without the use of modern dentistry...or medieval dentistry...or dentistry, period. With a full smile (meaning her complete set of teeth outnumbered the combined total of teeth on our entire bleacher stand), she ducked from flying mud, coughed on unfiltered exhaust fumes, cheered at the crunch of metal against metal, awed at the subsequent engine fires, and rode dizzyingly nauseating carnival rides.


Dana said...

What?!?! A posting?!??!?! It almost makes the demolition derby that much more exciting! Who is the new date Merrit is always pictured with? And I'm glad to see the South has influenced Merrit in better ways than a reversal in dental hygiene - her nails are beautiful!