What Happens in Vegas...

Seeing as we are blogging everything we do we can't even keep Vegas activities a secret. Although after seeing some of these pictures you may wish we did.

I was out in Sin City with some school friends (seen below) attending an Upper Cervical Health Centers conference. For those of you who have not heard about Upper Cervical Specific care, you will. Suffice it to say, it is quickly becoming a leading approach in health care for its uncanny ability to allow a person to heal from a myriad of pains, sicknesses, and diseases. For more info click here.

I had a great time especially when Merrit showed up. I knew that Matt was incredibly passionate about upper cervical care, but I was amazed to see that ALL upper cervical doctors seem to have the same fire. They are all alike!

Following the conference we spent a few days hanging out with Merrit's cousin (Shea) and her family. We had a fantastic time enjoying the warm weather and frozen yogurt shops with Shea's daughters. Yogurtland became my favorite find in Vegas!! It is the perfect treat on a sunny day, and its located right in the middle of awesome shopping. Doesn't get much better than that!

My other favorite find was The Mexican Restaurant we had to visit twice. Delicious!!

These two indulgences prove that what happens in Vegas...comes home with you :) We are recommitting to our P90X diet and exercise program once vacation is over.

Back at Shea's house, some of us had a little bit too much fun "playing" with the little ones...I leave it up to the reader to decide who enjoyed wearing the feather boa and pink lipstick more...

I had my first upper cervical adjustment while in Vegas. Little did I know that when you don't have the proper table on hand, the next best thing is a toilet seat!

My last night there Merrit, Shea, Berns (Shea's husband), and I went to the Vegas Strip to see all the great and spacious activities. We stopped in at the Wynn casino to watch a show called Le RĂªve. I can't even begin to explain how impressive and awesome it was. So, instead I am going to suggest that all y'all git yerselves on a aeroplane to Las Vegas and go see it fer yerself. Ditto, and make sure you get some Yogurtland while you are there!

And who can pass up the opportunity to see the world's biggest chocolate fountain. Go P90X!!


Berns and Shea said...

Let's be honest now....I was your favorite thing about Vegas....Yogurtland came in second....

Please come again...we like having you--and next time Matt wont have to sleep in the middle of the living room--he can have the pink room :)

SladeMomma said...

My favorite pictures are those with you (or Matt) wearing the striped hat...and the boa and the gloves...and the hot pink lipstick.