Matt's Music Mix for Merrit

After Matt's first visit to Boston, it would be another month before I saw him again.  To keep ourselves entertained, Matt started sending me Christmas carols he'd sung, only he would customize the words for us.  My family got such a kick out of hearing each new song he sent.  After Christmas was over, Christmas carols were replaced by love songs, but still customized.  No wonder I fell in love with Matt.  Not only is he super fun and creative, but he has a dreamy voice:)

As many of you are already aware I arranged some special tunes for Merrit. Here they are for your listening enjoyment.

Colorado girls is a favorite of mine and made it as my ring tone for a while.


SladeMomma said...

I am listening, wondering why you laugh at my name, that of your future mother-in-law!!!!

Hey, where is the proposal song?